Knowledge Sharing

Staying Connected

At Crane Currency, knowledge sharing is part of our culture. We see it as the foundation on which our relationships are built. Knowledge sharing fuels our collaborations, helps us to grow as individuals and produces the most rewarding and lasting results. 

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting every facet of life and challenging us to come up with new ways to stay connected. In response, we have created Learning Segments, a series of short videos, ‘get to the point’ documents and other resources that can help us stay current, connected and inspired to produce great currency together.

Click here to access our Learning Segments (password required).

For questions and to obtain the password for our Learning Segments page, please email: [email protected]

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Greeting from Sam Keayes
President, Crane Currency

Em português

Staying Connected

Em português

Hal Far, Malta – Tour of our Printing Works during Public First 2019.